Fixed IP Address Information related to contract change

Change the Course of Connection Service

If you are changing your course between different fiber-optic services, you can continue to use the Fixed IP Address Option.
If you are changing to a course of any other services, please apply for the Fixed IP Address Option in accordance with the course you wish to change to.

You will be informed through an email in the following cases:

  • You are changing your subscription course but the use of Fixed IP Address Option continues
  • You are changing to a service which does not support fixed IP address, and the Fixed IP Address Option is going to be canceled automatically

Change in IP address in accordance with course change

If you are changing your course between different fiber-optic services, the IP address will not be changed.
If you are changing to a course of any other services, the IP address will be changed.


If you are using IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (IPIP)

If you are subscribed to Fixed IP Address Option and connected with IPv4 over IPv6 (IPIP), you may not keep your IP address when your fiber-optic line ID changes due to course change.
You will be informed of your new connection setup information and IP address after your fiber-optic line ID has been changed.

Change the Details of Connection Service

You can continue using the Fixed IP Address Option even when you change the details of your connection service (such as plan change).
The same IP address will be kept.


If you are using IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (IPIP)

If you are subscribed to Fixed IP Address Option and connected with IPv4 over IPv6 (IPIP), you may not keep your IP address when your fiber-optic line ID changes.
You will be informed of your new connection setup information and IP address after your fiber-optic line ID has been changed.

Change the Place Where It is Used

Your IP address may change depending on the place where you use the fiber-optic service (or any other landline services).
Since IP address is assigned based on its IP address assignment group, your IP address will change if you move to a different group area.

Please note that if you are using a mobile connection service, you can keep the same IP address even if the place to connect to the internet is changed.

IP address assignment group

See the following Fixed IP Address Option page for details on IP address assignment group.

If you are using fiber-optic line

  • *NTT area IP network is a network built by NTT East/West, by the unit of prefecture. Therefore, the NTT area IP network prefecture and the prefecture of your address may not be identical depending on the area.
Before moving Where you are moving IP address
West Japan West Japan No change
East Japan East Japan No change
East Japan (Tokyo) East Japan (Tokyo) No change
West Japan East Japan Changed
West Japan East Japan (Tokyo) Changed
East Japan East Japan (Tokyo) Changed

Example: In case if the place where the internet is used is Osaka, Kanagawa, or Tokyo

  • *Prefectures according to NTT area IP network
Before moving Where you are moving IP address
Osaka Osaka No change
Kanagawa Kanagawa No change
Tokyo Tokyo No change
Osaka Kanagawa Changed
Osaka Tokyo Changed
Kanagawa Tokyo Changed

Fixed IP address may change even if you are moving within the NTT East area.

If you are using IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (IPIP)

If you are subscribed to Fixed IP Address Option and connected with IPv4 over IPv6 (IPIP), you may not keep your IP address when your fiber-optic line ID changes due to change in the place where you use the internet.
You will be informed of your new connection setup information and IP address after your fiber-optic line ID has been changed.

If you are using any other landline service

An IP address is assigned to each prefecture network based on NTT area IP network. That means, if you are moving to other prefecture, your fixed IP address will be changed.

Change the Connection Method of Fixed IP Address (Function Change)

If you are subscribed to a fiber-optic service with Fixed IP Address Option, you can choose how to connect as follows.

  • Change from IPv4 Connection (PPPoE) to IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (IPIP)
  • Change from IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (IPIP) to IPv4 Connection (PPPoE)

If you wish to change the connection method, please make a request for a function change on My Page.
Steps to change functions are the same as the steps to start using the Fixed IP Address Option as shown on the following page.

An email will be sent to you when your request has been completed. Please set up your router when you receive this email which has your setup information.

Precautions for function change

  • If you make a function change, you cannot keep your current fixed IPv4 address. A new IP address will be assigned.
  • If you are changing your connection method to IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (IPIP), you can keep on connecting with IPv4 (PPPoE) until you are informed of your connection setup information. Please change your settings immediately once you receive your connection setup information. The same applies to changing to IPv4 Connection (PPPoE). Please change your settings immediately once you receive your connection setup information.
  • You can withdraw your request for function change until the following month of the application month.
  • If you are changing to IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (IPIP) and Asahi Net is unable to confirm whether you have started the use of IPv6 Connection Feature or not by the following month of the application month, your request for function change will be canceled.
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