MyMail Service
Additional, personalized email address(es) using letters and numbers of your choice
Service Overview
MyMail Service allows you to add and use email address(es) (MyMail Address) with letters and numbers of your choice.
We offer one mailbox to be shared by Asahi Net email and MyMail address.
Initial charges | Monthly charge | |
First MyMail address | No charge | No charge |
Second and subsequent MyMail addresses | No charge | 110 yen per address |
- The monthly charge for second and subsequent MyMail address registrations will start from the month in which the registration is made.
- There will be an additional charge of 110 yen when you apply to change your MyMail address.
How to Use
Points to know before setting up your MyMail address
The format of MyMail address is as follows.
Letters and numbers of your
When you apply for the MyMail Service, you are asked to choose and enter the letters and numbers of your choice and your group name.
If another Asahi Net member is already using the letters/numbers and the group name of your choice, you cannot use those letters/numbers & group name for your email address. Please think of another letters/numbers & group name.
Please note that "" after the group name cannot be changed.
Letters and numbers of your choice
- The types of characters you can choose from are: half-width letters and numbers (26 letters (a to z), 10 numbers (0 to 9), and two symbols (hyphen (-) and period (.)) You cannot use full-width characters.
- Letters are not distinguished between uppercase and lowercase. For example, "taro" and "TARO" are considered as same address.
- Hyphen and period cannot be used as the first or last letter, or cannot be used consecutively (e.g., .. or --).
- You can choose up to 63 letters/numbers (63 byte).
Group name
Asahi Net offers 255 group names to choose from. Choose one from the following list.
Alphabet | |||||
a | b | c | d | e | f |
g | h | i | j | k | l |
m | n | o | p | q | r |
s | t | u | v | w | x |
y | z |
Months | |||||
jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun |
jul | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec |
Prefectures | |||||
hokkaido | aomori | iwate | miyagi | akita | yamagata |
fukushima | ibaraki | tochigi | gunma | saitama | chiba |
tokyo | kanagawa | niigata | toyama | ishikawa | fukui |
yamanashi | nagano | gifu | shizuoka | aichi | mie |
shiga | kyoto | osaka | hyogo | nara | wakayama |
tottori | shimane | okayama | hiroshima | yamaguchi | tokushima |
kagawa | ehime | kochi | fukuoka | saga | nagasaki |
kumamoto | oita | miyazaki | kagoshima | okinawa |
Others | |||||
a-net | aaa | account | ad | air | an |
angel | apple | aqua | art | as | asa |
asahi-net | asahi-ns | asahi | bank | bird | black |
blue | box | branch | cafe | cat | center |
chief | church | classic | club | co | company |
cool | corp | crd | cute | cyber | dental |
dept | desk | digital | director | doctor | dog |
dolphin | dragon | dream | eagle | earth | enjoy |
exec | family | finance | firm | flower | fuji |
gold | green | group | ham | happy | heart |
hello | hino | hobby | home | honey | hotel |
ice | inc | info | internet | japan | jazz |
job | joy | kansai | kashi | kids | kiss |
kk | kobe | law | leaf | league | love |
lovely | luna | mac | mall | mama | manager |
marine | master | med | medical | mgr | mine |
mobile | moon | music | my | nakamura | nature |
navy | net | network | news | nice | nippon |
oasis | ocean | office | orange | papa | pc |
peace | personal | piano | post | power | pr |
private | pro | public | pure | radio | red |
report | rock | sakura | sales | sapporo | sato |
sec | sendme | service | shop | silver | ski |
sky | smile | snow | spring | star | store |
summer | sun | sunny | super | support | suzuki |
tanaka | teacher | team | tech | to | tohata |
tora | trade | union | vendor | venture | veteran |
watanabe | win | wind | wolf | work | world |
yokohama | zoo |
Add a MyMail address
You can have an additional MyMail address (paid service). By combining with the sort function of your mailer, you can easily organize your incoming mail (e.g., organize between work and personal emails).
Deactivation of MyMail address
You can deactivate your MyMail address via Register/Deactivation of MyMail Address.
The deactivated MyMail address will be invalid within a few minutes after the deactivation is completed.
The service is an optional service for applicable internet connection services, and it cannot be applied for by itself.
- After you add or change your email address, it may take four hours the longest until you can use your newly added/changed address.
- On the month you change your address, you will be billed for the fee for changing your address (110 yen × number of changes made).
- All your email addresses share one mailbox. However, you can use a different mailbox for each email address by applying for Additional Mailbox Service. See the following page for more details on the Additional Mailbox Service.
- If you have more than two MyMail addresses, you will be billed for the prescribed monthly charge for the month which includes the deactivation date of MyMail address.
- If you are setting your MyMail address for the additional mailbox, please enter the 11-digit ID starting with M and its corresponding password.
*All charges shown on this page include tax.
Application for MyMail Service
Apply Online
Apply by Phone
Open Hours 10 a.m-5 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays
- *If you are a first-time Asahi Net customer, please first apply for our connection service before applying for this service. Click here to see the list of connection services.