Network/Phone Function Settings for VoIP Adapter (Adapter Mode)

About this page

This page gives you information on how to set up the network and phone function on VoIP adapter (adapter mode) for using an IP-Phone.

Phone function settings

  1. STEP1

    Open a browser window

    Open a browser window.
    Enter the address “” in the address bar and press Enter.


  2. STEP2


    Enter the information to log into the VoIP adapter* in the dialog window shown and click OK.

    1. *Factory default: ユーザー名 (= user name) is root, パスワード (= password) is wakeup.


  3. STEP3

    IP電話設定 (= IP-Phone settings)

    In the left menu, click IP電話設定 (= IP-Phone settings).


  4. STEP4

    IP電話設定 (= IP-Phone settings)

    Set up as follows and click the 設定変更 (= Change settings) button.

    Caller ID Display
    If you are using a Caller ID Display supported phone device, 使用する (= In use).
    If you are using a phone device not supporting caller ID display, 使用しない (= Not in use).
    Use of call waiting & call waiting sound
    On your preference (based on your environment)
    Type of phone line
    Choose based on the dial type of your phone line


Network settings

  1. STEP1

    ネットワーク設定 (= Network settings)

    In the left menu, click ネットワーク (= Network), and then click ルータ/アダプタ設定、UPnP使用 (= Router/Adapter settings and use of UPnP).


  2. STEP2

    ルータ/アダプタ設定、UPnP使用 (= Router/Adapter settings and use of UPnP)

    Set up as follows. Set the other fields on your preferences depending on your environment and then click the 設定変更 (= Change settings) button.

    Router or adapter
    Choose アダプタ (= Adapter)
    Use of UPnP
    Choose 使用する (= Use)

    ネットワーク → ルータ/アダプタ設定、UPnP使用

  3. STEP3

    ネットワーク設定 (= Network settings)

    In the left menu, click ネットワーク (= Network), and then click PPPoE/IP設定 (= PPPoE/IP settings).


  4. STEP4

    PPPoE/IP設定 (= PPPoE/IE settings)

    Set up as follows. Set the other fields on your preferences depending on your environment and then click the 設定変更 (= Change settings) button.

    After connecting to the internet, set up the phone function.

    Connection type
    Choose イーサネット (= Ethernet)

    ネットワーク → PPPoE/IP設定

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