IPv6 Connection Feature
IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (DS-Lite)

  • Easy
  • No
  • No

A better, faster internet experience
with IPv4 over IPv6 Connection Feature (DS-Lite)

Service Overview

IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (DS-Lite) is an additional feature to IPv6 Connection Feature.
A faster and more enhanced data communication is provided by connecting to both IPv4 and IPv6 websites using the IPv6 network.

IPv6 Connection Feature (IPv4 over IPv6 Connection)

What is IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (DS-Lite)?

  • Speedy access to IPv4 supported websites too

    A technology called Dual-Stack Lite (DS-Lite) enables the IPv4 communication in IPv6 (IPoE) network. A fast data communication is possible by using the IPv6 network for both IPv4 and IPv6, providing you an even greater internet experience.

  • No need to change settings

    If you are using a supported router, connection settings will be automatically completed by making a request to start the use through My Page.
    There is no need to make any changes in your settings to access IPv4 supported websites.

  • No additional charge

    IPv4 over IPv6 Connection Feature is provided as a standard feature of Asahi Net's fiber-optic connection services.
    Initial fees and monthly charges are not required.

Feature Details

Connection method DS-Lite
IP address We will provide you with IPv4 IP address.
Please note that IP address we provide you is not a fixed IP address.
  • IPv6 Connection (IPoE) requirements has to be fulfilled.
  • User of supporting router.

Depending on service, you may need to apply for the service to fulfill requirements.
Please refer to "Steps to Start Using" for details.

IPv4 over IPv6 Connection (DS-Lite) supported routers

Rental router (home gateway)

Manufacturer Supported Device How to Rent a Router
NTT East/West XG-100NE
Please contact the fiber-optic line provider you are using
  1. *1Only available in NTT East.
  2. *Please use with the latest version firmware.
  3. *Please note that only XG-100NE supports the Hikari Cross line Service. For that reason, if you are using Asahi Net Hikari Cross Course, Asahi Net docomo Hikari 10 Gbps Course, FLET'S Hikari Cross Course, or Asahi Net FTTH with FLET'S Cross, please also apply for a rental router.

Router prepared by yourself

Manufacturer Supported Device Online Store
BUFFALO WXR-5700AX7P series
WXR-5700AX7S series
WXR-5700AX7B series
WSR-1500AX2L series
WXR18000BE10P series
WNR-5400XE6P series
WXR-11000XE12 series
WXR-6000AX12B series
WXR-5950AX12 series
WNR-3000AX4 series
WSR-6000AX8P series
WSR-5400XE6 series
WSR-3000AX4P series
WSR-1500AX2B series
WXR-6000AX12S series
WXR-6000AX12P series
WSR-6000AX8 series
WSR-1500AX2S series
WSR-1166DHPL2 series
i-o data device WN-DAX5400QR
NEC Platforms Aterm WX5400T6
Aterm WX4200D5
Aterm GX621A1
Aterm WX7800T8
Aterm WX11000T12
Aterm WX5400HP
Aterm WX4200D5
Aterm WX3000HP2
Aterm WX1500HP
Aterm WX(AX)1800HP
Aterm Biz SH621A1
Aterm WG1200HS4
Aterm WG1200HP4
Yamaha RTX3510
  1. *Please use with the latest version firmware.
  2. *Please note that only XG-100NE supports the Hikari Cross line Service. For that reason, if you are using Asahi Net Hikari Cross Course, Asahi Net docomo Hikari 10 Gbps Course, FLET'S Hikari Cross Course, or Asahi Net FTTH with FLET'S Cross, please also apply for a rental router.

Steps to Start Using

Please check the following before making your application.

If you are using one of the following Courses, there is no need to take the Procedure to Start Using the Service.

  • Asahi Net docomo Hikari 10 Gbps Course
  • FLET'S Hikari Cross Course
  • Asahi Net FTTH with FLET'S Cross

Also, members who applied for IPv4 over IPv6 Connection together with the application of connection service do not have to take any procedure.

If you are not using the IPv6 Connection Feature (IPoE), your Customer ID will be required when making the application. Please have your ID ready before making your application.

  1. STEP1

    Prepare a supported router.

    IPv4 over IPv6 Connection will become available a few hours after taking the procedure to Start Using the Service. Please have your supported router connected to ONU and turn the switch ON before making your request.

  2. STEP2

    Procedure to start using

    Please make a request from the following page in order to start using the service.

  3. STEP3

    Automatic connection setting

    After your request has been processed, the connection settings will be completed automatically.
    After the settings are completed, you can start using the Service immediately.

  4. STEP4

    Start using

    You can check if you are connected with IPv6 from the following page.


See the FAQ of the service via the following page.


  • In case where you are switching providers to Asahi Net and applying for the applicable course at the same time, you may not use the IPv6 Connection Feature (IPv6 connection (IPoE) and IPv4 over IPv6 (DS-Lite)) if you are still using the IPv6 service by other company.
  • If your application is processed without terminating the IPv6 service by other company, you will not be able to use our IPv6 Connection Feature. In that case, we will send you a confirmation (notice). When you receive the notice, please terminate the IPv6 service by other company and apply again for Asahi Net's IPv6 Connection Feature.
  • If you are using a fiber-optic line with a line ID starting with COP, and has subscribed for Hikari Denwa before September 2014, there are cases where you may not be able to connect with IPv4 over IPv6 Connection.
  • If you are using Type 1 Hikari Denwa, please change to Type 2. Please note that you may be required to replace your device to a Hikari Denwa-supported device if you are changing your Type.
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