Please change your member information

Asahi Net sends important notices to your registered contact email address.
In order for you to check Asahi Net's important notices, please update your member information when there is a change in your registered address/phone number/contact email address.

You can update your member information on My Page.

My Page
  • *Your Asahi Net ID and password are required.

What is My Page?

With My Page, you can easily check and change your member information, see your usage charge, and make various requests online.

You need your Asahi Net ID and password* to log into My Page.

  • *Your ID and password are written in the document sent from Asahi Net when you joined.
What you can check and do on My Page:
  • Billing amount
  • Your subscription service
  • Make service-related requests
  • Make member information-related requests

What is member information?

Member information refers to information such as address, phone number and contact email address which you registered with Asahi Net.
If you move, or if your phone number changes, please make sure to update your information.

Important Notice from Asahi Net

Asahi Net sends you notices related to the usage of your subscription service.


  • Information on renewal period, specification change, etc. of your subscription service.
  • Notification of acceptance/completion of your request made on My Page.
  • Notification of password reset page.
  • Support news including maintenance information.

You can update your member information on My Page.

My Page
  • *Your Asahi Net ID and password are required.
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