Phone Function Settings for IP-Phone-C (Automatic)

Before setting up

This page gives information to members who are using a FLET’S course on how to set up the IP-Phone-C phone function on an IP-Phone supported device provided by NTT.

Auto setup can be done anytime while you are subscribed to IP-Phone-C.

Applicable IP-Phone supported devices

The IP-Phone supported devices which are applicable of auto-setup are as follows.
If your device is not listed here, please set up manually by referring to the IP-Phone setup information.

  • ADSL Modem-MV/MNV
  • ADSL Modem-SV/SVII
  • Web Caster V130/V110/V100/3000MV/X400V
  • VoIP Adapter

Recommended browsers

Recommended browsers are as follows.

  • Internet Explorer 7 or later (Windows)
  • Safari (Mac)
  • Firefox 3 or later (Windows/Mac)

To show the setup page, the following settings are required in the above browsers.
If you are not sure, the default settings are recommended.

  • Enable the JavaScript setting
  • Disable the proxy server setting

Phone function settings

  1. STEP1

    Go to contact

    Open a browser window.
    Enter the address in the address bar and press Enter.


    Enter the following information in the dialog window shown and click OK.

    User name
    Asahi Net ID which uses the IP-Phone-C
    (E.g., AB4T-ASH, U1234AB567C)
    Password which corresponds to the ID


  2. STEP2

    Check setting information

    The link to the device auto setup page will be shown.
    Click 設定画面へ (= Go to setup page).


  3. STEP3

    Auto setup URL

    The setup page will be shown.
    Click IP電話機器設定 (= IP-Phone device setup).


    The page for entering your device type and area code will be shown.
    Click OK after entering the information.

    Device type
    Choose your device type.
    If you chose the VoIPアダプタ (= VoIP adapter), enter an IP address (factory default is
    Area code
    Enter the area code of your subscribed regular phone line (landline)


    Check the shown setting information and click OK.

    IP-Phone number
    Your number starting with 050
    Area code
    Enter the area code of your subscribed regular phone line (landline)


  4. STEP4

    Reflect the settings

    Before performing the auto setup, the following dialog window for logging into the device may be shown.

    E.g., ADSL Modem-MNV

    User name
    Login user name for the IP-Phone supported device
    Login password for the IP-Phone supported device

    When the above dialog window is shown, enter your login account* and click OK.

    1. *Examples of login accounts
      If you have changed your login account, enter the changed account information.
    IP-Phone supported device ユーザー名
    User name
    ADSL Modem-MNV/NV/NVII/NVIII user Password which you set up
    Web Caster V130 user Password which you set up
    Web Caster V110 admin Password which you set up
    Web Caster V100 admin admin
    Web Caster X400V admin Password which you set up
    ADSL Modem-SV user user
    Web Caster 3000MV user user (factory default)
    VoIP Adapter root wakeup (factory default)

Check setting status

E.g., ADSL modem-MNV

Correct status

ADSL Green light is on
PPP Green light is on
LAN Green light is on
VoIP Green light is on
PWR Green light is on

After completing the setup, check if you are ready to use the IP-Phone by checking the lamp status.*

  1. *When the VoIP lamp of the IP-Phone supported device is green, you are ready to use the IP-Phone.
  2. *If the auto setup does not end normally, try to set up manually by referring to the setup guide.
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