Phone Function Settings for ADSL Modem-SV
About this page
This page gives you information on how to set up the phone function on ADSL Modem-SV for using an IP-Phone.
The information is based on Windows 2000 and Internet Explorer (for Windows).
The same settings apply to Macintosh computers and other OSs.
Before setting up
See the manual of the router/modem to set up.
Phone function settings
Open a browser window
Open a browser window.
Enter the address “” in the address bar and press Enter.Enter the information to log into the modem (an account for setting up the modem; user name: user; password: user at factory default) in the dialog window shown and click OK.
User nameuser パスワード
Passworduser (factory default) -
IP電話設定 (= IP-Phone settings)
In the left menu under 設定 (= Settings), click IP電話設定 (= IP-Phone settings).
Set up as follows and click the 設定 (= Set) button.
SIP server addressVoIP server name informed by Asahi Net SIPサーバポート番号
SIP server port number5060 REGISTERサーバアドレス
REGISTER server addressVoIP server name informed by Asahi Net REGISTERサーバポート番号
REGISTER server port number5060 SIPドメイン名
SIP domain ユーザーID
User IDVoIP user ID informed by Asahi Net パスワード
PasswordVoIP user password informed by Asahi Net IP電話番号
IP phone numberVoIP phone number informed by Asahi Net 市外局番
Area codeEnter the area code of your subscribed regular phone line (landline) ソフトアップデート確認用URL
URL for checking software updateLeave it blank -
Register the settings
Click 機器の再起動画面へ (= Go to device reboot page).
Click the 再起動 (= Reboot) button.
Click 再表示 (= Page refresh).
Check settings
Check the lamp status
Check if the VoIP lamp is lit.
If not, please check again the above steps and settings.
See the following for how to use IP-Phone-C.
Correct status
電源 (= Power) | Green light is on |
ADSL | Green light is on |
PPP | Green light is on |
LAN | Green light is on |
VoIP | Green light is on |