News & Announcements

Implementation of Personal Identification Service “3D Secure” for Entering Credit Card Information

Thank you for using Asahi Net.

Based on the security guidelines established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Asahi Net is implementing 3D secure, a personal identification service for registering credit card information.
This announcement is to let you know that in the future, you may be asked for personal identification when registering your credit card.

1. What is 3D Secure?

3D secure is a personal identification protocol developed by Visa International to allow credit card payments safer on the internet.
It is a personal identification method recommended globally by major card brands (VISA, Mastercard, JCB, American Express, and Diners Club).
With its security function which prevents fraud use of credit cards, it allows simple personal identification using one-time password and device authentication only when your identity has to be verified.

2. Date of Implementation

Starting February 25, 2025

3. Precautions

  • To use 3D secure, you have to register at your credit card company. Please contact your credit card company for how to make a registration.
  • How personal identification works and how to navigate through the actual personal identification page depends on the credit card company. For details, please contact your credit card company.

4. Inquiries Regarding This Announcement

If there is anything uncertain about 3D secure, please contact your credit card company.

Thank you for using Asahi Net and we look forward to continuing to serve you.

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