News & Announcements

Closing of Asahi Net FLET'S ADSL Course in Accordance with the End of NTT East/West FLET'S ADSL in All Areas

Thank you for using Asahi Net.

Asahi Net is closing the FLET'S ADSL Course as of January 31, 2026, in accordance with the end of ADSL service provided by NTT East/West. Thank you for your interest and use of the service.


This page is to inform you of the actions to be taken in accordance with the closing.

1. Applicable Members

Members who are using the Asahi Net FLET'S ADSL Course

2. Closing Date

January 31, 2026

3. Necessary Procedures

Please make a change request for another connection service, or terminate your Asahi Net membership by the service closing date.

If you wish to continue using Asahi Net with a different connection service, please make a new application.
To apply for a new connection service, please do so by clicking on the “Apply” button on the respective connection service page.

As an alternative service, we recommend the Asahi Net FTTH with FLET'S to our members.

If you wish to terminate your Asahi Net membership, a separate procedure is required.
Please check your contract status in My Page and take the necessary steps to terminate your membership.

4. Inquiries Regarding This Announcement

English Customer Support

If you have any inquiries, please Contact Us.

Thank you for using Asahi Net and we look forward to continuing to serve you.

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