Connection Settings for Windows11

This page gives you information on how to set up the internet connection on Windows 11 with FLET’S lines.

Before setting up

You can connect to the internet through FLET’S lines using the PPPoE function in Windows11. In order to connect with FLET’S line, the line has to be installed, and you have to subscribe to the respective course (course change, new application).

  • *This setup is not necessary if you are using a router.

Set up a broadband connection (PPPoE)

  1. STEP1

    Start Menu

    Click the Start menu icon, and then click 設定 (= Settings).

    STEP 1 image

  2. STEP2

    Network Settings

    Click ネットワークとインターネット (= Network & internet) in the left menu, and then click ダイアルアップ (= Dial-up) in the right menu.

    STEP 2 image

  3. STEP3


    When the Dial-up window is shown, click 新しい接続を設定する (= Set up a new connection).

    STEP 3 image

  4. STEP4

    Set up a new connection or network

    Select インターネットに接続します (= Connect to the internet) and then click 次へ (= Next).

    STEP 4 image

    If 既にインターネットに接続しています (= You are already connected to the Internet) is shown

    Select 新しい接続をセットアップします (S) (= Set up a new connection anyway).

    STEP 4-1 image

    If 既存の接続を使用しますか? (= Do you want to use a connection that you already have?) is shown

    Select いいえ、新しい接続を作成します(C) (= No, create a new connection) and click 次へ (= Next).

    STEP 4-2 image

  5. STEP5

    Connect to the internet

    Click ブロードバンド(PPPoE)(R) (= Broadband (PPPoE)).

    STEP 5 image

  6. STEP6

    Enter the information of internet service provider (ISP)

    STEP 6 image

    User name
    Asahi Net
    f.Asahi Net
    • *If you are connecting with fixed IP address
    The password for the User ID
    Remember this password
    Place a check mark
    Connection name
    Any name
    (E.g., Asahi Net)
    • * User name and password should all be entered in lowercase.

    When you enter the above information, click 接続 (= Connect).

  7. STEP7

    Connect to the Internet

    Connection test will start. Wait for a while.

    STEP 7-1 image

    The setup work is done when you are connected to the internet. Click 閉じる (= Close).

    STEP 7-2 image


Perform the following steps when you are connecting to the internet for the second time and beyond.

Click the 接続 (= Connect) button of the settings you made (e.g., Asahi Net) on the Dial-up page explained in STEP 3.

Connect image


Click the 切断 (= Disconnect) button of the settings you made on the Disconnect page explained in STEP 3.

Disconnect image

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